This event will start promptly at 11:30 a.m. please login by 11:25 a.m.
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Meeting ID: 876 973 082
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Join us for this Virtual Networking Event, Presentation & Panel Discussion
Lisa Ann Harmon, Executive Sales Director, Mary Kay & Rachel Dayoub, ONEHOPE WINE Causepreneur
As we move into the Green phase, we decide to Mask or Not to Mask, but if you are masking:
How can you like your best? How do you Keep from having a mask full of makeup when you get home? Learn tips of how to sweat proof your look during this season!
Rachel reinvented herself 2 months ago and blew everyone away by ascending to a coveted leadership position with ONEHOPE WINE.
Hear about this amazing organization and how it has changed lives! Hear from both of these lovely ladies about how they did it and how it can apply to what you do with your career.
Zoom login details will be sent morning of event.
I look forward to seeing you all for
WIN on Wednesdays Virtual Networking!
All chapters participating. WIN members may attend for free. Non WIN members will see a small fee. A portion of these fees will be donated to a local food bank based on chapter participations.
NEW BENEFIT - Any WIN member may use our ZOOM service to conduct virtual meetings for up to 100 (more than 40 minutes in length)
Please email us, to learn more.
The women of WIN network with a purpose....
And we shall continue to do so during this difficult time.
If any member or subscriber is in need during this time of National and States of Emergencies, please reach out to . We will help you to find the resources that you need.