We always accept new or gently used professional clothing, shoes, accessories.
All items must be clean, preferably on hangers, ready to wear, but does not need to be dry cleaned, if you are able to donate.
Network with like-minded professional - business women!
Support a great cause AND receive a $50 certificate towards a new WIN membership
Want to become a member first use this code to receive your $50 discount online at www.na-win.com for any new membership: WIN2022
Click Here for Membership options.
This is a great opportunity to showcase your business, learn about your professional colleagues and expand your network.
Invite a friend or colleague!
Registration closes the day prior. At the door fee $35 all non-registered attendees once above restrictions are lifted. Registration includes appetizers, iced tea & water.
Tickets are non-refundable. Attendees of any WIN Womens Interactive Network LLC, NA-WIN, WIN-Pittsburgh, WIN-Washington or Pomaybo, Inc. event may be photographed and/or recorded. Each attendee therefore grants WIN Womens Interactive Network LLC permission to use the attendees image, voice and/or likeness for any marketing or promotional purposes, now or in the future, at the sole discretion of WIN Womens Interactive Network LLC. All attendees acknowledge the risk of group gatherings and attend at your own risk. All attendees agree to adhere to all local, state, federal and facility requirements.
Important notice re COVID-19: Please note any interaction with the general public poses an elevated risk of being exposed to COVID-19 and we cannot guarantee that you will not be exposed while in attendance at the event. GIN, GIN-Pittsburgh and WIN Womens Interactive Network LLC is not responsible for the health and safety of this event. We encourage you to follow the organizer’s safety policies, as well as local laws and restrictions.
All attendees acknowledge the risk of group gatherings and attend at your own risk. All attendees agree to adhere to all local, state, federal and facility requirements.