Join us for this Virtual Networking Event
2nd & 4th Wednesday.
Zoom login details below.
I look forward to seeing you all for
WIN on Wednesdays Virtual Networking!
Meeting ID: 763 212 017
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,763212017# US (New York)
+13126266799,,763212017# US (Chicago)
Few housekeeping items:
- Please put your video on – we want to see your smiling faces!!!!
- Please mute yourself upon entry so that we do not talk all over each other or echo when others are talking.
- Please be prepared to introduce yourself and your company. Depending on the # of participants, we will adjust the length of time
- Please be prepared to give us 1 tip that helps you adjust to your new normal, to staying organized, to maintaining sanity or anything that you want to share with the group.
Speaker: Cori Wamsley
LEARN TOPIC: Embrace your Expert to Build a Business you Love
Things aren’t happening fast enough. You’ve been building and growing, but now is the time to shift into high gear. The thing is, you know what you’re doing, and you know who you love to help, but you don’t feel like they are finding you and really getting that you are the best person to solve their problems.
Have you really owned who you are? Are you embracing your expert?
Identifying who you help and why is really only one part of the puzzle. Mastering how to talk to them AND developing a message that you can truly stand behind—heart and soul!—is the rest. You have to know what to say and how to say it, while having the passion and strength to believe in that message before you can show up as an expert to connect with your ideal clients in a big way!
Join Cori Wamsley for a talk about how you can blend your voice, vision, and visibility to make a huge leap in your business.
- Develop your core messaging and how to use that like a magnet for your ideal clients
- Hone your voice and how you speak to your audience
- Leverage your vision to get more visibility
- Discover the one big thing that’s keeping you from being seen as an expert in your niche
All chapters participating. WIN members may attend for free. Non WIN members will see a small fee. A portion of these fees will be donated to a local food bank based on chapter participations.
NEW BENEFIT - Any WIN member may use our ZOOM service to conduct virtual meetings for up to 100 (more than 40 minutes in length)
Please email us, to learn more.
The women of WIN network with a purpose....
And we shall continue to do so during this difficult time.
If any member or subscriber is in need during this time of National and States of Emergencies, please reach out to . We will help you to find the resources that you need.